Lesson plans, flashcards, worksheets & songs for Spanish kids teachers!

How to print multiple flashcards

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How do I print multiple flashcards?

How do I print multiple flashcards?You may want to print out a whole set of flashcards or multiple flashcard from one set. This is easy:

  1. In spanishkidstuff.com locate the flashcard set you want to use.
  2. At the bottom of the page select the Full Set option.
  3. Click on the printer icon.
  4. The print dialog box will open. Click "Print".
  5. All of the flashcards in the set will print out.
  6. Printing selected flashcards from a set.
  7. Optional Settings.


1. In spanishkidstuff.com locate the flashcard set you want to use.

1. In spanishkidstuff.com locate the flashcard set you want to use.

In this example, we want to print the set of "Farm Animals" flashcards. Go to the Flashcards section and select "Farm Animals". You will now see that set of images..


2. At the bottom of the page select the Full Set option.

2. At the bottom of the page select the Full Set option.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will see that there are two Full Set options: "Pictures" and "Words". You can choose to print either by clicking on the image. If you want all of your flashcard pages to have the picture on the front and words on the back first print the "Full Set (Pictures)", then turn over the paper, reload into your printer and print the "Full Set (Words)" on the back.

Click "Flashcards Full Set (Pictures)".

The flashcards will open up in Adobe Reader. If you hover your mouse near the bottom of the image you will see a menu appea

The flashcards will open up in Adobe Reader. If you hover your mouse near the bottom of the image you will see a menu appear:

To re size so you can view more flashcards click the "-" sign:


3. Click on the printer icon.

3. Click on the printer icon.

To print the flashcard set, click the printer icon.


4. The print dialog box will open. Click "Print".

4. The print dialog box will open. Click "Print".

To print, simply click the "Print" button.


5. All of the flashcards in the set will print out.

5. All of the flashcards in the set will print out.


All of the flashcard pages in the set will print out. If you only want to print selected pages from the set, go to step 6.

HintHINT: If you want to print the pictures on one side of your pages and the words on the other, first print the pictures set, then turn over the paper, reload into your printer and then print the words set on the back..



6. Printing selected flashcards from a set.

You may only want to print some of the flashcards from the full set. This is easy to do:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Before clicking the print icon (in step 3) we need to select the flashcards to print. First, Click on the Adobe Reader icon button.

    Click on the Adobe Reader icon button.
  3. This opens a panel on the left. Click the pages icon:

    Click the pages icon.
  4. This will open a page showing all of the flashcards in the set. Select the flashcards you want to print by holding the "Ctrl" button and left-clicking on the images. As you select each image it will be highlighted in blue (in the example below you can see the sheep, horse and duck images have been selected):

    Select the flashcards you want to print by holding the "Ctrl" button and left-clicking the images.
  5. Finally, right-click on one of the images and select "Print Pages...".

    Right-click on one of the images and select "Print Pages...
  6. Then follow steps 4 and 5 above to print out.


7. Optional settings:

  • Different size paper: you may need to select the paper size. In the print dialog box (see step 4 above) click "Properties". Here you can select your page size.
  • Different paper type: You may want to change to card or a different paper type to get the best quality of print. In the print dialog box (see step 4 above) click "Properties". Here you can select your paper type (for regular A4, just select "Plain paper").
  • To print more than one image per page, see our "How to print multiple flashcard per page" section.